Elijah Tuya

Elijah Tuya was the pioneer of our Hold my Hand, Ignite My Hope. Our founder, Josephat Mashati, met him at church one day, a day which remains fresh in his mind still today.

Elijah, who had difficulty walking, had come up to Josephat and asked: "Why do people with legs come to Church late?" His question inspired Josephat to decide to make a difference, and he made a commitment to found a CBO that could make a difference for people like Elijah struggling with physical disabilities.

Thanks to many friends and supporters, Elijah was able to acquire a mobility cart in 2019 and gained the ability to drive himself to school, church, and other areas he needs to get to to function fully in society. We have walked with him all these years and seen him go through many challenges, but he has always been able to over come them.

After a year staying at home without going back to school Elijah last year, has now returned to the classroom. He is at Ole Sinti Junior Secondary School in February, 2023. His face tells it all!

Elijah returns to school at Ole Sinti Junior Secondary in


Solomon Ole Yenko