Expanding opportunity for the physically challenged


Changing the world is possible.

Our mission is to help our Maasai brothers and sisters who are physically challenged live a meaningful life.

Misconceptions about the physically challenged and individuals with visible differences such as severe burns and cleft palates unnecessarily limit countless Maasai lives. We want to create a world where the differently abled are recognized for all that they ARE able to do with just a little bit of help from adaptive technologies. We work to connect Maasai individuals living with disabilities to vital services in order to expand their capacities to work, attend school, and fully partake in all aspects of life.

“Disability is a matter of perception. If you can do just one thing well, you’re needed by someone.”

-Martina Navratilova

Dennis received an artificial leg through the Jaipur Foot Trust with our support and returned to school. Eventually he pursued a post-secondary certificate in Leather Work and is now crafting assistive mobdevices for other individuals in need.

Where We Work:

Our work spans to reach people living throughout Kenya’s Loita Hills, a remote 1600 km2 region of southern Kenya that lies between the Great Rift Valley and Lake Magadi to the east, the Maasai Mara to the west, and the Tanzanian border to our south. We are headquartered in Morijo, Loita Hills, Kenya.

Inset: Kenya’s Loita Hills

Our Impact

We have helped countless Maasai individuals like Solomon, pictured here, get connected to services that have expanded their lives. Learn more about some of our beneficiaries who have regained mobility, returned to school, received life-changing surgeries through our Stories link below!

Solomon received crutches and later, a wheelchair with our support and just returned to primary school in May, 2024.